Physics and imaging technology: MRI
Knowledge of the physics and imaging technology involved in the production of MRI scans is vitally important for medical imaging specialists.
See also
- physics and imaging technology: x-ray
- physics and imaging technology: ultrasound
- physics and imaging technology: CT
- physics and imaging technology: MRI
- physics and imaging technology: nuclear medicine
Related Radiopaedia articles
Physics and Imaging Technology: MRI
- MRI (introduction)
- MRI physics
- B0
- chemical shift
- dependence of magnetization (proton density, field strength and temperature)
- echo time
- eddy currents
- electromagnetic induction
- Ernst angle
- flip angle
- Larmor frequency
- magnetic dipolemagnetic field gradient
- magnetic susceptibility
- magnetism
- molecular tumbling rate effects on T1 and T2
- net magnetization vector (NMV)
- relaxation
- repetition time
- resonance and radiofrequency (RF)
- units of magnetism
- MRI hardware
- signal processing
- MRI pulse sequences (basics | abbreviations | parameters)
- CSF flow studies
- diffusion weighted sequences (DWI)
- echo-planar pulse sequences
- fat-suppressed imaging sequences
- gradient echo sequences
- inversion recovery sequences
- metal artifact reduction sequence (MARS)
- perfusion-weighted imaging
- techniques
- derived values
- saturation recovery sequences
- spin echo sequences
- spiral pulse sequences
- susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI)
- T1 rho
- MR angiography (and venography)
- MR spectroscopy (MRS)
- 2-hydroxyglutarate peak: resonates at 2.25 ppm
- alanine peak: resonates at 1.48 ppm
- choline peak: resonates at 3.2 ppm
- citrate peak: resonates at 2.6 ppm
- creatine peak: resonates at 3.0 ppm
- functional MRI (fMRI)
- gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) peak: resonates at 2.2-2.4 ppm
- glutamine-glutamate peak: resonates at 2.2-2.4 ppm
- Hunter's angle
- lactate peak: resonates at 1.3 ppm
- lipids peak: resonates at 1.3 ppm
- myoinositol peak: resonates at 3.5 ppm
- MR fingerprinting
- N-acetylaspartate (NAA) peak: resonates at 2.0 ppm
- MRI artifacts
- MRI hardware and room shielding
- central point artifact
- herringbone artifact
- inhomogeneity artifact
- moiré fringes
- RF overflow artifact
- zebra stripes
- zipper artifact
- MRI software
- patient and physiologic motion
- tissue heterogeneity and foreign bodies
- Fourier transform and Nyquist sampling theorem
- MRI hardware and room shielding
- MRI contrast agents
- MRI safety