differential diagnosis of calcified pulmonary densities
Calcified pulmonary (lung parenchymal) densities can occur in a number of conditions.
- healed varicella pneumonia
- pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
- occupational lung diseases
See the main article on calcified pulmonary nodules.
Large nodules or masses
- metastatic pulmonary malignancy
- osteosarcoma
- chondrosarcoma
- mucinous adenocarcinoma types
- thyroid cancer
- treated choriocarcinoma
- synovial sarcoma
- primary lung cancer (5-10%)
- non-malignant metastatic pulmonary calcification
- renal failure
- hyperparathyroidism
- non-parenchymal pulmonary amyloidosis
- multiple pulmonary chondromas (e.g. with Carney triad)
- granulomatous disease
See also
- pulmonary calcification
- pulmonary ossification: can mimic calcification
- hyperdense pulmonary opacities have a slightly wider differential and do not have to be calcified
Siehe auch:
- Tuberkulose
- Chondrosarkom
- Osteosarkom
- Silikose
- primärer Hyperparathyreoidismus
- Schilddrüsenkarzinom
- Synovialsarkom
- Chorionkarzinom
- multiple kleine hyperdense Lungenherde
- Amyloidose der Lunge
- alveoläre Mikrolithiasis
- stannosis
- baritosis
- Varizellenpneumonie
- Carney-Trias
- pulmonale Chondrome
- coal workers pneumoconiosis
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