anterosuperior mediastinal mass (mnemonic)
The common causes of an anterosuperior mediastinal mass can be remembered by using the mnemonic:
- 5 Ts
- T: thymus
- T: thyroid
- T: thoracic aorta
- T: terrible lymphoma
- T: teratoma and germ cell tumors - see mediastinal germ cell tumors
Testicular cancer metastasis can represent a sixth T, and there are other rare causes that should be considered.
See also
Siehe auch:
- Ösophaguskarzinom
- Teratom
- Lymphom
- Tumoren des vorderen oberen Mediastinums
- Thymom
- Keimzelltumor
- primäre Thymusneoplasien
- mediastinale Keimzelltumoren
- substernal goiter
- causes of a dilated thoracic aorta
- primary tumours of the thyroid
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