hypothalamic lesions
Hypothalamic lesions are numerous representing some entities that are unique to the hypothalamus, as well as many lesions that can be seen elsewhere within the brain. Additionally, due to its proximity to the optic chiasm, third ventricle and pituitary region, many lesions of these locations can grow to involve the hypothalamus.
- hypothalamic hamartoma
- ectopic posterior pituitary
- vascular malformations
- regional lesions (A-Z)
Granulomatous / inflammatory
- granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- neurosarcoidosis
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- tuberculosis
- neurosyphilis
- lymphocytic hypophysitis
Siehe auch:
- Rathke Zyste
- Makroadenom Hypophyse
- ektope Neurohypophyse
- Kraniopharyngeom
- Dermoidzyste
- Hypothalamus
- hypothalamisches Hamartom
- Opticusgliom
- epidermale Inklusionszyste
- Pituizytom
- hypothalamic astrocytoma / glioma
- supraselläres Germinom
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu hypothalamic lesions: