breast curriculum
The breast curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent core breast knowledge.
Topics pertaining to the breast.
An understanding of the anatomy of relevant structures is essential. Core anatomical topics include:
- ducts
- lactiferous ducts
- lobules
- nipple-areola complex
- mammary fat
- muscles
- Cooper's ligaments
- lymph nodes
- accessory breast tissue
Radiological examinations
- breast ultrasound
- breast ultrasound technique
- ultrasound guided breast biopsy technique
- automated volumetric breast ultrasound (AFFBUS)
- mammography
- breast MRI
- breast MRI protocol
- breast ductography
- breast tomosynthesis (DBT)
Radiographic signs
- breast lumps
- breast calcifications
- microcalcifications in the breast
- macrocalcifications in the breast
- benign breast lesions/conditions
- breast cysts
- breast hamartoma/fibroadenolipoma
- breast hematoma
- fibrocystic change of the breast
- fibroadenoma
- intraductal papilloma of the breast
- juvenile papillomatosis of the breast
- gynecomastia
- pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia
- radial scar
- sclerosing adenosis of the breast
- steatocystoma multiplex involving the breast
- mammary duct ectasia/plasma cell mastitis
- fat necrosis of the breast
- benign breast lesions/conditions relating to vessels
- breast neoplasms: overview
- borderline breast lesions
- malignant breast lesions
- primary breast cancer
- ductal carcinoma in situ
- invasive ductal carcinoma
- invasive ductal carcinoma (not otherwise specified)
- tubular carcinoma of the breast
- lobular carcinoma in situ
- invasive lobular carcinoma
- mucinous (colloid) carcinoma of the breast
- papillary carcinoma of the breast
- inflammatory breast cancer
- malignant phyllodes tumor
- male breast cancer
- metastasis to the breast
- breast lymphoma
- angiosarcoma of the breast
- primary breast cancer
- breast implants
- breast conditions associated with pregnancy
- syndromes involving the breast
Ultrasound guided
- ultrasound-guided breast cyst aspiration
- ultrasound-guided breast core biopsy
- ultrasound-guided hook-wire insertion
- ultrasound-guided Mammotome™
- stereotactic breast biopsy
- stereotactic hook-wire insertion
- stereotactic Mammotome™
- breast MRI
- breast MRI mass enhancement
- breast MRI non mass enhancement
Related Radiopaedia articles
- curriculum
- anatomy curriculum
- imaging curricula
- breast curriculum
- cardiac curriculum
- central nervous system curriculum
- chest curriculum
- gastrointestinal curriculum
- gynecology curriculum
- head and neck curriculum
- hepatobiliary curriculum
- intervention curriculum
- musculoskeletal curriculum
- obstetric curriculum
- pediatric curriculum
- post-mortem and forensic curriculum
- urogenital curriculum
- vascular curriculum
- medical student curriculum
- pathology curriculum
- general pathology
- systemic pathology
- pathology of the vascular system
- cardiac pathology
- pathology of the hematological and lymphatic systems
- pathology of the lung and pleura
- pathology of the head and neck
- pathology of the gastrointestinal system
- pathology of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
- pathology of the kidney and urinary tract
- pathology of the male genital system
- pathology of the female genital system
- pathology of the breast
- pathology of the endocrine system
- pathology of the skin
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues
- pathology of the nervous system
- pathology of the ocular system
- physics curriculum
- radiography curriculum
- general radiography curriculum
- CT curriculum
- ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
Siehe auch:
- Linguini-Zeichen
- Verkalkungen in der Mammographie
- fibrozystische Mastopathie
- invasives lobuläres Karzinom
- Brustimplantat
- Fibroadenom
- breast lumps
- Poland-Syndrom
- Musculus sternalis
- Implantatruptur Mamma
- Musculus pectoralis major
- Hamartom der Mamma
- intraductales Papillom der Mamma
- Mondor disease
- breast ultrasound
- Mamma accessoria
- epidermale Inklusionszyste der Mamma
- chronische abakterielle Mastitis
- Gynäkomastie
- laktierendes Adenom
- terminal ductal lobular unit
- Pseudoangiomatöse-Stroma-Hyperplasie (PASH)
- Mammakarzinom beim Mann
- complex fibroadenoma
- Phylloidestumor
- duktales in situ Karzinom der Mamma
- tubular carcinoma of breast
- Lymphom der Mamma
- Mammographie
- inflammatorisches Mammakarzinom
- einfache Zyste Mamma
- Duktektasie der Mamma
- Galaktographie
- Steatocystoma multiplex
- axilläre Lymphknoten
- Galaktozele
- lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
- Coopersche Ligamente
- curriculum
- papilläres Mammakarzinom
- Angiosarkom der Mamma
- differential diagnosis of dilated ducts on breast imaging
- metastasis to the breast
- Brustdichte in der Mammographie
- Atypische duktale Hyperplasie (ADH)
- Mamillenretraktion
- Nottingham classification system
- Trittleiter-Zeichen
- ACR classification system
- Mamma-MRT
- stereotactic Mammotome
- Stewart-Treves-Syndrom
- Liponekrose
- nipple-areola complex
- BIRADS-Klassifikation
- sappey's plexus
- sklerosierende Adenose der Mamma
- breast Imaging and the technologist
- cutaneous calcifications in breast imaging
- radiäre Narbe der Mamma
- Hämatom in der Mamma
- supraklavikulärer Lymphknoten
- invasives muzinöses Mammakarzinom
- imaging of benign breast calcifications
- mammography education
- Fettgewebe der Mamma
- Neoplasien der Mamma
- automated volumetric breast ultrasound (AFFBUS)
- atypische lobuläre Hyperplasie (ALH)
- Borderline Läsionen der Mamma
- fibroadenolipoma
- stereotactic guided biopsy technique
- Mammahämangiom
- types of mammography views
- internal mammary lymph nodes
- Mamma-Tomosynthese
- maligner Phylloidestumor
- Juvenile Papillomatose der Mamma
- Stereotaktische Mammabiopsie
- Zirkuszelt-Zeichen (Mammographie)
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Mammographie Übungsbilder: