Pineal tumors
Masses in the pineal region have a relatively broad differential because of the variety of cell types found in the region.
The term pinealoma was historically used to refer to both pineal parenchymal tumors and germinomas, which are the two most common categories of primary pineal region tumors . Germinomas were sometimes called the "two-cell" pattern type of pinealoma, due to the presence of both lymphocytes and neoplastic germ cells that were reminiscent of teratomas . The term pinealoma has since fallen in popularity.
Clinical presentation
Some lesions (such as cysts) are typically discovered incidentally but for larger lesions, patients present clinically with symptoms related to mass effect. Compression of the tectal plate may cause a defect in up-gaze (Parinaud syndrome). Compression of the cerebral aqueduct may cause obstructive hydrocephalus.
Radiographic features
Intrinsic pineal tissue masses tend to cause upward displacement of the internal cerebral veins. This is in distinction to tentorial meningiomas, which depress the cerebral veins.
Differential diagnosis
- pineal cyst (most common benign pineal region mass)
- germ cell tumors
- pineal germinoma: most common (~50% of primary pineal region tumors)
- pineal embryonal carcinoma
- pineal choriocarcinoma
- pineal yolk sac carcinoma (endodermal sinus tumor)
- pineal teratoma
- pineal parenchymal tumors (~30% of primary pineal region tumors)
- glioma (usually tectal in origin, astrocytic in histology) (~5% of primary pineal region tumors)
- pineal metastasis
- primary pineal malignant melanoma
- inclusion cysts (dermoid/epidermoid)
- meningioma near the pineal region
- rare vascular lesions
- cavernoma in the pineal region
- vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation
If invasive, a tectal plate mass may be difficult to distinguish from a pineal mass.
Siehe auch:
- Pinealiszyste
- Astrozytom
- Keimzelltumor
- Pineoblastom
- Kavernom
- Pineozytom
- Parenchymtumor der Glandula pinealis mit intermediärer Differenzierung
- Germinom der Glandula pinealis
- Nothnagel-Syndrom
- Lipom der Glandula pinealis
- Papillärer Tumor der Pinealisregion
- Dottersacktumor der Glandula pinealis
- Parenchymtumoren der Glandula pinealis
- embryonales Karzinom der Glandula pinealis
- Teratom der Glandula pinealis
und weiter:
- tektales Lipom
- intraventrikuläre Neoplasien und Läsionen
- intrakranielle Epidermoidzyste
- Germinom
- Glandula pinealis
- Hirntumoren
- Aquäduktstenose
- intraventricular epidermoid
- intrakraniale Teratome
- intraventrikuläre Neoplasien und Läsionen - Überblick
- aqueduct of Sylvius
- pineal gland metastasis
- intracranial choriocarcinoma
- Pinealisinfarkt
- Aquäduktsyndrom
- Epidermoidzyste der Glandula pinealis
- pineal region cavernoma
- mixed germ cell tumor - pineal gland
- kongenitale Aquäduktstenose
- Tumoren des Tectums
- Apoplex der Glandula pinealis
- Tectum mesencephali
- pineal lymphoma
- germinoma of the third ventricle
- pineocytoma with astrocytic differentiation
- Pinealiszyste Differentialdiagnose
- Melanom der Glandula pinealis
- pineal region mass: meningioma
- Germinom des ZNS
- intrakranieller Keimzelltumor
- intracranial germ cell tumours