posterior mediastinal masses
Castleman disease. Posteroanterior chest X-ray demonstrates a left paravertebral mass, of smooth contours, that follows the left paraspinal line.
The differential diagnosis for a posterior mediastinal mass includes:
- neoplasm
- neurogenic tumors: most common
- nerve sheath tumors
- parasympathetic ganglion tumors
- sympathetic chain tumors
- non-neurogenic tumors
- chordoma
- chondrosarcoma
- Ewing sarcoma
- esophageal neoplasm
- lymphoma
- invasive thymoma
- metastasis
- neurogenic tumors: most common
- infection
- inflammation
- mediastinitis
- sarcoidosis
- lymphoid hyperplasia
- pancreatic pseudocyst
- vascular
- descending thoracic aortic aneurysm
- varices
- lymphangioma
- hernias
- trauma
- paraspinal hematoma
- lymphadenopathy
- extramedullary hematopoiesis
- foregut duplication cysts
- thoracic meningocele
Siehe auch:
- Hiatushernie
- Chordom
- Neuroblastom
- Lymphom
- extramedulläre Hämatopoese
- Schwannom
- Phäochromozytom
- Neurofibrom
- neuroenterische Zyste
- maligner peripherer Nervenscheidentumor (MPNST)
- Bochdalek'sche Hernie
- Duplikationszyste des Ösophagus
- benignes Ganglioneurom
- Lymphadenopathie
- neurogenic tumours
- neuroblastic tumours
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu posterior mediastinal masses: