
Sarcoidosis is a non-caseating granulomatous multisystem disease with a wide range of clinical and radiographic manifestations.
Individual systemic manifestations are discussed in respective articles:
- pulmonary and mediastinal manifestations
- cardiac manifestations
- musculoskeletal manifestations
- head and neck manifestations
- central nervous system manifestations
- abdominal manifestations
- cutaneous manifestations
The remainder of this article pertains to a general discussion of sarcoidosis.
Sarcoidosis occurs all over the world in all ages and races. Attempts to describe accurate epidemiology are complicated by the use of inconsistent diagnostic criteria and variable (often asymptomatic) disease manifestations.
Still, certain epidemiological patterns are reported in the literature:
- age of onset
- most commonly presents between 2 through 4 decades of life, although diagnosis in children and elderly also recognized
- gender
- inconsistent data
- there may be a small female predominance among African-Americans
- race
- highest incidence in African-Americans (36 to 50 per 100,000) and northern European Caucasians
- incidence among Caucasians has been estimated at 11 to 20 per 100,000
- reported incidence is lower in Asian populations
- heritability
- familial clustering of sarcoidosis has been reported, suggesting either a genetic or environmental component of the disease
- the two largest studies suggest a familial relative risk increase ~4x given a single affected first-degree relative
Clinical presentation
Clinical presentation is variable and diagnosis is usually made on the combination of clinical and radiological features.
- half of the patients are asymptomatic
- the rest develop respiratory (e.g. cough and dyspnea) or skin (e.g. erythema nodosum, lupus pernio, scars, plaques) disease
- ocular, lacrimal gland and salivary gland involvement are relatively common
- approximately 5% of patients develop neurosarcoidosis
Additionally, patients may have specific syndromic presentations:
- Löfgren syndrome: an uncommon but specific acute presentation of sarcoidosis with a better prognosis
- Heerfordt syndrome: an uncommon variant of sarcoidosis comprising of fever, parotid enlargement, facial palsy, and anterior uveitis
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology characterized by the formation of inflammatory non-caseating granulomas within affected tissues. Histologically, the lesions characteristically demonstrate an absence of a necrotic component, except in rare cases (so-called "necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis"). The granulomas may resolve spontaneously or progress to fibrosis.
It is thought to represent a disorder of immune regulation, particularly of cell-mediated immunity . Mycobacterium and propionibacterium RNA and DNA have been detected in sarcoidosis lesions, raising the possibility of an infectious trigger . Reported familial clustering and co-occurrence in monozygotic twins suggest that genetic susceptibility may also play an important role.
Microscopic appearance
Characteristic (but not pathognomonic) histological features include:
- non-caseating granulomas
- epithelioid cells, macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, and CD4+ T cells
- fibroblasts, B lymphocytes, and CD8+ T cells may be present more peripherally
- Schaumann bodies: laminated calcium-containing concretions
- asteroid bodies
- necrosis is atypical and may suggest another etiology
Biochemical markers include:
- elevated angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
- 40% false negative
- 10% false positive
- hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
Additionally, a positive Kveim-Siltzbach skin test helps to confirm the diagnosis .
Radiographic features
90% of patients have pulmonary involvement (although many are asymptomatic) . Since chest x-rays are readily available and have low radiation burden, the pattern of nodal and parenchymal involvement is typically used to 'stage' sarcoidosis (chest x-ray staging of sarcoidosis) .
Treatment and prognosis
Treatment is primarily with judicious use of corticosteroids, to avoid adverse medication effects.
Pulmonary involvement is responsible for the majority of morbidity and mortality in patients with sarcoidosis. The overall mortality rate is approximately 5%, with patients who present insidiously faring worse than those who present with an acute onset . Likelihood of resolution depends on the stage of disease at presentation :
- stage I: 60% resolution within 1-2 years
- stage II: 46%
- stage III: 12%
Complications depend on the systemic pattern of disease involvement. As pulmonary sarcoidosis is by far the most common manifestation, so are thoracic complications. They include :
- pulmonary fibrosis (stage IV)
- pulmonary arterial hypertension and cor pulmonale
- aspergillomas, which may be complicated by hemoptysis
History and etymology
Historically, sarcoidosis was also known as Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease/syndrome, or various combinations thereof, e.g. Besnier-Boeck disease, Boeck disease, or Schaumann syndrome .
Sarcoidosis is derived from the Ancient Greek terms, σαρξ (sarc) meaning flesh, ειδος (eidos) meaning form, and σις (-sis), a suffix meaning a process .
Siehe auch:
- Sarkoidose der Milz
- Sarkoidose der Leber
- Neurosarkoidose
- Aspergillom
- Lungenfibrose
- pulmonale und mediastinale Sarcoidose
- bihiläre Lymphadenopathie
- pulmonale Hypertonie
- Sarkoidose Stadien
- musculoskeletal manifestations of sarcoidosis
- löfgren syndrome
- Garland Trias
- heerfordt syndrome
- abdominelle Manifestationen der Sarkoidose
- panda sign
- Berylliose
- kardiale Beteiligung bei Sarkoidose
- sarcoid galaxy sign
- lambda sign
und weiter:
- verkalkte Lungenherde
- verkalkte mediastinale Lymphknoten
- Langerhanszell-Histiozytose der Lunge
- Kerley-Linien
- Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa
- right middle lobe consolidation
- Funikuläre Myelose
- Silikose
- Kryptogene organisierende Pneumonie (COP)
- Bronchiolitis obliterans
- Splenomegalie
- hiläre Lymphadenopathie
- Meningitis
- Nervus facialis
- Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis
- multiple zystische Lungenherde
- Ollier-Syndrom
- animal and animal produce inspired signs
- akute Pyelonephritis
- Warthin-Tumor
- Chylothorax
- miliare Lungenherde
- mediastinal lymphoma
- Metastasen in der Orbita
- bilaterale hiläre Lymphadenopathie
- Meningeom Nervus opticus
- pulmonary opacification
- Interstitielle Lungenerkrankung
- bilaterale axilläre Lymphadenopathie
- Sarkoidose ossäre Manifestationen
- metastases to the pituitary gland
- chronic periaortitis
- apical zone
- pulmonale venookklusive Erkrankung
- Parenchymband
- hyperdenser Lymphknoten
- Erythema nodosum
- conditions involving skin and bone
- differential of chronic alveolar opacities
- stroke in children and young adults
- diffuse Trachealwandverdickung
- chronic bilateral airspace opacification
- Eierschalenverkalkungen
- obliterative bronchiolitis (mnemonic)
- testicular sarcoidosis
- sausage digit
- crazy paving-Muster
- Nasenseptumdefekt
- calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe
- Silzbach sarcoidosis chest radiographic staging system
- pulmonary arterial hypertension classification - third world symposium on PAH
- generalised increased liver echogenicity
- bronchovascular spread (mnemonic)
- adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal glands
- hyperechoic liver
- Läsionen der Fingerspitze
- hypervaskularisierte Lymphknoten
- echogenic renal pyramids
- Dural-Tail-Zeichen
- fibrosierende Mediastinitis
- pulmonale Calciphylaxie
- lambda sign of sarcoidosis
- diffuse Trachealverengung
- Verkalkungen bei Sarkoidose
- sarcoidosis: musculoskeletal manifestations of the skull
- verdickter Nervus Opticus
- vertebral sarcoidosis
- idiopathische granulomatöse Mastitis
- Bronchusobstruktion durch granulomatöse Erkrankungen (Sarkoidose)
- tuberkulöse Daktylitis
- Merkspruch Nasenseptumperforation
- Sarkoidose der Hypophyse
- Kveim Stilzbach skin test
- benigne lymphoepitheliale Läsionen
- Pulmonalvenenstenose
- Eierschalenverkalkungen von Lymphknoten