Shoulder ligaments

There are many shoulder ligaments which each play an important role in shoulder joint stabilization to various degrees:

  • glenohumeral ligaments: superior, middle and inferior ligaments, connect the glenoid to the anatomical neck of the humerus and play an important role in the stabilization of the anterior shoulder joint
  • coracoacromial ligament: links the coracoid with the acromion, to form the middle of the coracoacromial arch; thickening of this ligament can cause impingement
  • coracoclavicular ligament: made up of trapezoid and conoid ligaments, run between clavicle and coracoid; they are small ligaments, however, are strong and can carry a large load and play an important role in keeping scapula attached to the clavicle
  • transverse humeral ligament: spans the distance between the greater and lesser tubercles, holding the tendon of the long head of biceps in place inside the tubercular groove
Anatomy: Upper limb

Anatomy: Upper limb