Medial basal segment of right lobe lobe
The right lower lobe medial or medial basal segment is one of the five bronchopulmonary segments of the right lower lobe. It is the most inferomedial of the segments in the right lower lobe.
Together with the anterior segment, it is analogous to the left lower lobe anteromedial segment.
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Anatomy: Thoracic
- thoracic skeleton
- thoracic cage
- thoracic spine
- articulations
- muscles of the thorax
- diaphragm
- intercostal space
- intercostal muscles
- variant anatomy
- spaces of the thorax
- thoracic viscera
- tracheobronchial tree
- lungs
- bronchopulmonary segmental anatomy (Boyden Classification) (mnemonic)
- left lung
- right lung
- variant anatomy
- lung parenchyma
- hilum
- pleura
- bronchopulmonary segmental anatomy (Boyden Classification) (mnemonic)
- heart
- cardiac chambers
- heart valves
- pectinate muscles
- cardiac fibrous skeleton
- coronary arteries
- coronary arterial dominance
- myocardial segments
- left main coronary artery (LMCA)
- ramus intermedius artery (RI)
- circumflex artery (LCx)
- obtuse marginal branches (OM1, OM2, etc))
- Kugel's artery
- left anterior descending artery (LAD)
- diagonal branches (D1, D2, etc)
- septal perforators (S1, S2, etc)
- right coronary artery (RCA)
- conus artery
- sinoatrial nodal artery
- acute marginal branches (AM1, AM2, etc)
- inferior interventricular artery (PDA)
- posterior left ventricular artery (PLV)
- congenital anomalies
- innervation of the heart
- fetal circulation
- pericardium
- pericardial space
- oblique pericardial sinus
- transverse pericardial sinus
- pericardial recesses
- aortic recesses
- pulmonic recesses
- postcaval recess
- pulmonary venous recesses
- pericardial ligaments
- epicardial fat pad
- esophagus
- thymus
- breast
- blood supply of the thorax
- arteries
- veins
- superior vena cava (SVC)
- inferior vena cava (IVC)
- coronary veins
- cardiac veins which drain into the coronary sinus
- great cardiac vein
- middle cardiac vein
- small cardiac vein
- posterior vein of the left ventricle
- vein of Marshall (oblique vein of the left atrium)
- anterior cardiac veins
- venae cordis minimae (smallest cardiac veins or thebesian veins)
- cardiac veins which drain into the coronary sinus
- pulmonary veins
- thoracoepigastric vein
- lymphatics
- innervation of the thorax