The tibia (plural: tibiae) is the largest bone of the leg and contributes to the knee and ankle joints. (shin- or shank-bone are lay terms). It is medial to and much stronger than the fibula, exceeded in length only by the femur.
Gross anatomy
The tibia has a prismoid shaft, expanded ends, proximal larger condylar shelf articulating at the knee, and distal smaller end with a strong medial malleolus forming the ankle.
Proximal tibia
The tibia has a broad weight-bearing surface consisting of the medial and lateral condyles, each having an articular concave surface and internal intercondylar tubercles projecting superiorly into the knee. The intercondylar area separates the medial and lateral plateau and is divided into the anterior and posterior areas. The anterior intercondylar area houses the attachment of the anterior cruciate ligament, anterior horn of medial meniscus and a small part of the anterior horn of lateral meniscus. The posterior intercondylar area inclines down and back, exhibits a medial intercondylar tubercle for the posterior cornu of the medial meniscus and a smooth tapering ridge for attachment of the posterior cruciate ligament.
The tibial tuberosity is a bony projection of the area where the anterior condylar surface merges. It receives the patellar tendon attachment and is separated from the skin by the subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa.
Gerdy's tubercle is located at the anterolateral aspect of the proximal tibia, where the iliotibial band (ITB) attaches.
The diaphysis of the tibia is triangular in cross section and has medial, lateral and posterior surfaces, separated by the anterior, lateral (interosseous) and medial borders. The shaft is thinnest at the junction of middle and distal thirds.
Distal tibia
The slightly expanded end of the tibia is rotated laterally (tibial torsion) and has five surfaces, namely, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral and distal. The lateral surface exhibits a triangular notch which attaches to the fibula.
The medial and lateral condyles articulate with corresponding femoral condyles at the knee. The lateral condyle of the proximal tibia has a circular facet articulating with the fibula at the proximal tibiofibular joint.
The distal articular surface of tibia is concave sagittally and slightly convex transversely. The concave surface (also called the sellar surface) fits over the dome of talus at the talocrural joint (a.k.a. tibiotalar joint)
- muscles insertions on the tibia
- tensor fascia latae muscle at Gerdy's tubercle via the iliotibial band
- quadriceps femoris at the tibial tuberosity
- sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus form a wide insertional slip called the pes anserinus with an underlying pes anserine bursa
- horizontal head of semimembranosus inserts at medial condyle
- popliteus at posterior tibia above the soleal line.
- muscle origins from the tibia
- tibialis anterior muscle at the lateral tibia
- extensor digitorum longus along the lateral tibial shaft
- soleus muscle from the soleal line on the posterior tibia
- flexor digitorum longus (medial) muscle on the posterior tibia distal to soleal line
- tibialis posterior muscle (lateral) on posterior tibia, distal to soleal line.
- content pending
- content pending
Blood supply
- genicular arterial anastomosis supplies the proximal metaphysis
- posterior tibial artery branch, the nutrient artery which enters through the nutrient foramen at the level of soleal line, is the major arterial supply
- anterior tibial artery branch, the periosteal arteries
- arterial anastomosis at ankle supplies the distal end of tibia
Nerve supply
Proximally innervated by branches supplying the knee joint, distally by those supplying the ankle. The periosteum of the diaphysis receives nerve twigs from the overlying muscles attaching to the tibia.
Variant anatomy
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
- content pending
The tibia ossifies from three centers, one in the diaphysis and one each at proximal and distal epiphysis.
The diaphyseal ossification center appears at seventh week antenatally. The proximal ossification center appears at birth and fuses at sixteenth year in females and eighteenth year in males. The distal ossification center appears at the first year of life and joins the shaft at fifteenth year in females and seventeenth year in males.
The medial malleolus is merely an extension from the distal epiphysis and ossifies at seventh year of life.
Related pathology
Related Radiopaedia articles
Anatomy: Lower limb
- skeleton of the lower limb
- joints of the lower limb
- hip joint
- ligaments
- muscles
- additional structures
- hip joint capsule
- zona orbicularis
- iliotibial band
- hip bursae
- anterior
- iliopsoas bursa (iliopectineal bursa)
- lateral
- subgluteal bursae
- greater trochanteric bursa (subgluteus maximus bursa)
- subgluteus medius bursa
- subgluteus minimus bursa
- gluteofemoral bursa
- subgluteal bursae
- postero-inferior
- anterior
- ossification centers
- knee joint
- ligaments
- anterior cruciate ligament
- posterior cruciate ligament
- medial collateral ligament
- lateral collateral ligament
- meniscofemoral ligament (mnemonic)
- posterolateral ligamentous complex
- arcuate ligament
- patellar tendon and quadriceps tendon
- anterolateral ligament
- posterior oblique ligament
- oblique popliteal ligament
- medial patellofemoral ligament
- additional structures
- ossification centers
- ligaments
- tibiofibular joints
- ankle joint
- regional anatomy
- medial ankle
- lateral ankle
- anterior ankle
- ligaments
- medial collateral (deltoid) ligament
- lateral collateral ligament
- additional structures
- ankle bursae
- ossification centers of the ankle
- variants
- regional anatomy
- foot joints
- subtalar joint
- articulations
- ligaments
- associated structures
- mid-tarsal (Chopart) joint
- tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) joint
- ligaments
- intermetatarsal joint
- metatarsophalangeal joint
- interphalangeal joint
- ossification centers
- subtalar joint
- hip joint
- spaces of the lower limb
- muscles of the lower limb
- muscles of the pelvic group
- inner hip group
- gluteal region
- lateral rotator group
- muscles of the thigh
- muscles of the leg
- anterior compartment of the leg
- posterior compartments of the leg
- lateral compartment of the leg
- muscles of the foot
- dorsal muscles
- plantar muscles
- 1st layer
- 2nd layer
- 3rd layer
- 4th layer
- accessory muscles
- muscles of the pelvic group
- vascular supply of the lower limb
- arterial supply of the lower limb
- venous drainage of the lower limb
- deep system
- superficial system
- great saphenous vein
- dorsal venous plexus
- small saphenous vein
- lateral marginal vein
- great saphenous vein
- venous drainage of the foot
- innervation of the lower limb
- lymphatic system of the lower limb
- lymphatic pathways
- anteromedial group
- anterolateral group
- posteromedial group
- posterolateral group
- lower limb lymph nodes
- lymphatic pathways