Arteria descendens genus

Analysis of the Anatomical Variants in Genicular Artery Embolization: Fig. 1 Overview of the genicular arteries: (A) descending genicular artery (DGA); (B) medial superior genicular artery; (C) medial inferior genicular artery; (D) lateral superior genicular artery; (E) lateral inferior genicular artery; (F) anterior tibial recurrent artery; (G) saphenous branch of DGA; (H) musculoarticular branch of DGA.
The descending geniculate artery arises from the distal portion of the superficial femoral artery before it becomes the popliteal artery. Along with other arterial branches, it provides blood to the patella network and the knee.
- origin: superficial femoral artery
- supply: patella network
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Anatomy: Lower limb
- skeleton of the lower limb
- joints of the lower limb
- hip joint
- ligaments
- muscles
- additional structures
- hip joint capsule
- zona orbicularis
- iliotibial band
- hip bursae
- anterior
- iliopsoas bursa (iliopectineal bursa)
- lateral
- subgluteal bursae
- greater trochanteric bursa (subgluteus maximus bursa)
- subgluteus medius bursa
- subgluteus minimus bursa
- gluteofemoral bursa
- subgluteal bursae
- postero-inferior
- anterior
- ossification centers
- knee joint
- ligaments
- anterior cruciate ligament
- posterior cruciate ligament
- medial collateral ligament
- lateral collateral ligament
- meniscofemoral ligament (mnemonic)
- posterolateral ligamentous complex
- arcuate ligament
- patellar tendon and quadriceps tendon
- anterolateral ligament
- posterior oblique ligament
- oblique popliteal ligament
- medial patellofemoral ligament
- additional structures
- ossification centers
- ligaments
- tibiofibular joints
- ankle joint
- regional anatomy
- medial ankle
- lateral ankle
- anterior ankle
- ligaments
- medial collateral (deltoid) ligament
- lateral collateral ligament
- additional structures
- ankle bursae
- ossification centers of the ankle
- variants
- regional anatomy
- foot joints
- subtalar joint
- articulations
- ligaments
- associated structures
- mid-tarsal (Chopart) joint
- tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) joint
- ligaments
- intermetatarsal joint
- metatarsophalangeal joint
- interphalangeal joint
- ossification centers
- subtalar joint
- hip joint
- spaces of the lower limb
- muscles of the lower limb
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- inner hip group
- gluteal region
- lateral rotator group
- muscles of the thigh
- muscles of the leg
- anterior compartment of the leg
- posterior compartments of the leg
- lateral compartment of the leg
- muscles of the foot
- dorsal muscles
- plantar muscles
- 1st layer
- 2nd layer
- 3rd layer
- 4th layer
- accessory muscles
- muscles of the pelvic group
- vascular supply of the lower limb
- arterial supply of the lower limb
- venous drainage of the lower limb
- deep system
- superficial system
- great saphenous vein
- dorsal venous plexus
- small saphenous vein
- lateral marginal vein
- great saphenous vein
- venous drainage of the foot
- innervation of the lower limb
- lymphatic system of the lower limb
- lymphatic pathways
- anteromedial group
- anterolateral group
- posteromedial group
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- lower limb lymph nodes
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Siehe auch:
- Arteria femoralis superficialis
- Rami articulares der Arteria descendens genus
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