Urogenital curriculum
The urogenital curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent the core genitourinary knowledge.
Topics pertaining to the urinary tract (kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra), adrenal glands, prostate penis, scrotal content (testes, epididymis and associated structures), but excluding those specific to obstetric curriculum and gynecology curriculum.
An understanding of the anatomy of relevant structures is essential. Core anatomical topics include:
- kidney
- adrenal gland
- ureter
- bladder
- urethra
- prostate
- scrotum
- testis
- epididymis
- testicular appendages
Radiological examinations
Imaging techniques relevant to imaging of the genitourinary system include:
- ultrasound
- testicular ultrasound technique
- renal tract ultrasound technique
- transrectal prostate biopsy technique
- penile doppler
- CT
- CT intravenous pyelogram technique
- congenital renal anomalies
- renal pseudotumor
- renal tumor: benign, adult
- renal adenoma
- renal oncocytoma
- angiomyolipoma (AML)
- juxtaglomerular cell tumor
- rhabdoid tumor
- renal tumor: malignant, adult
- renal tumor: pediatric
- cystic renal disease
- renal parenchymal disease
- renal inflammation
- renal vascular anomaly
- nephrocalcinosis
- transplant kidney
Ureter, bladder & urethra
- ureter
- congenital megaureter
- ectopic ureter
- duplex ureter
- retrocaval ureter
- pelviureteric junction obstruction
- vascular impressions on ureter
- ureterocele
- ovarian vein syndrome
- pyeloureteritis cystica
- ureteral pseudodiverticulosis
- ureteral diverticulum
- malacoplakia
- leukoplakia
- ureteral tumors
- ureteral diversions
- bladder
- urethra
- the retroperitoneum
- benign conditions
- retroperitoneal tumors
- mesodermal
- retroperitoneal lipoma
- retroperitoneal liposarcoma
- retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma
- retroperitoneal fibrosarcoma
- retroperitoneal malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- retroperitoneal lymphangiosarcoma
- lymphoma
- neural tumors
- neurofibroma
- spinal schwannoma
- neuroblastoma
- pheochromocytoma
- ganglioneuroma
- ganglioneuroblastoma
- peripheral nerve schwannoma
- embryonic tumors
- teratoma
- primary germ-cell tumor
- mesodermal
- the adrenals
- adrenal medulla tumors
- adrenocortical tumors
- adrenal hemorrhage
- adrenal infection
- primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia
- functional adrenal disorders
- adrenal calcification
- adrenal hemangioma
- cryptorchidism
- spermatocele
- epididymal cyst
- acute scrotum
- scrotal infections
- Fournier's gangrene
- testicular tumors
- epispadias, hypospadias
- Peyronie's disease
- penile implants
Male infertility
- benign prostatic hypertrophy
- prostatic adenocarcinoma
- prostatic melanoma
- prostatic sarcoma
- prostatitis
Miscellaneous pathology
Related Radiopaedia articles
- curriculum
- anatomy curriculum
- imaging curricula
- breast curriculum
- cardiac curriculum
- central nervous system curriculum
- chest curriculum
- gastrointestinal curriculum
- gynecology curriculum
- head and neck curriculum
- hepatobiliary curriculum
- intervention curriculum
- musculoskeletal curriculum
- obstetric curriculum
- pediatric curriculum
- post-mortem and forensic curriculum
- urogenital curriculum
- vascular curriculum
- medical student curriculum
- pathology curriculum
- general pathology
- systemic pathology
- pathology of the vascular system
- cardiac pathology
- pathology of the hematological and lymphatic systems
- pathology of the lung and pleura
- pathology of the head and neck
- pathology of the gastrointestinal system
- pathology of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
- pathology of the kidney and urinary tract
- pathology of the male genital system
- pathology of the female genital system
- pathology of the breast
- pathology of the endocrine system
- pathology of the skin
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues
- pathology of the nervous system
- pathology of the ocular system
- physics curriculum
- radiography curriculum
- general radiography curriculum
- CT curriculum
- ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
Siehe auch:
- Angiomyolipom
- Bosniak-Klassifikation
- perirenal fascia
- Blasenstein
- Myelolipom Nebenniere
- Nebennierenadenom
- Teratom
- Nierenzellkarzinom
- Neuroblastom
- junktionaler Parenchymdefekt der Niere
- Retroperitoneum
- perirenal space
- obstetric curriculum
- Nierenarterienstenose
- Hufeisenniere
- Leriche-Syndrom
- vesicoureteric junction
- Ureterozele
- scrotum
- Hydatidentorsion
- angeborene renale Anomalien
- Hodentorsion
- Nephrokalzinose
- multizystische Nierendysplasie
- Ureterabgangsstenose
- Doppelniere
- Kryptorchismus
- akute Pyelonephritis
- medullary sponge kidney
- Harnblasendivertikel
- Fournier-Gangrän
- Nierentuberkulose
- Neurofibrom
- spinale Schwannome
- Phäochromozytom
- Adenokarzinom der Prostata
- xanthogranulomatöse Pyelonephritis
- Nebennierenblutung
- Varikozele
- Prostatitis
- retroperitoneales Liposarkom
- Urethra
- Blasenekstrophie
- Seminom
- Hodentumoren
- einseitige Nierenagenesie
- Leiomyom
- Nierentumor
- Vesikoureteraler Reflux
- Nebenhoden
- benigne Prostatahyperplasie
- ureteritis cystica
- autosomal-dominante polyzystische Nierenerkrankung
- Harnblase
- retroperitoneale Tumoren
- Hoden
- neurogene Blase
- Nephroblastom
- Spermatozele
- Plattenepithelkarzinom
- Nierenabszess
- Urothelkarzinom
- Nebennierenrindenkarzinom
- emphysematöse Pyelonephritis
- Urethralklappe
- Hypospadie
- Verkalkungen der Nebennnieren
- epispadias
- Metastasen im Hoden
- Nebenniere
- Morgagni-Hydatide
- retroperitoneales Leiomyosarkom
- Nebenhodenzysten
- renal cortical necrosis
- medulläres Nierenkarzinom
- urethral atresia
- zystische Läsionen der Nebennieren
- azoospermia
- gekreuzte Nierendystopie mit Verschmelzung
- renal cell carcinoma staging
- TCC of the ureter
- freie retroperitoneale Luft
- Hämangiom der Nebenniere
- retrocavaler Verlauf des Ureters
- Tumoren des Ureters
- autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
- multilokuläres zystisches Nephrom
- Induratio penis plastica
- akutes Skrotum
- curriculum
- Onkozytom der Niere
- maligne Neoplasien des Hodens
- Epididymoorchitis
- Sarkome der Prostata
- Pseudohermaphroditismus
- Komplikationen nach Nierentransplantation
- primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia (PPNAD)
- Papillennekrose der Niere
- adenocarcinoma
- pleomorphes undifferenziertes Sarkom des Retroperitoneums
- kongenitales mesoblastisches Nephrom
- gynäkologisch radiologisches Curriculum
- cystic renal disease
- Pseudotumor der Niere
- maligner rhabdoider Tumor
- primäres malignes Melanom der Urethra
- Infektionen des Skrotums
- Multiple endokrine Neoplasien Typ 2
- pelvine Lipomatose
- penile doppler
- Adenokarzinom in einem Divertikel der Urethra
- Nebenierenarterien
- renal tumour : paediatric
- accessory renal vein
- Megakalikose
- dysgenesis
- kongenitaler Megaureter
- adenomatoid tumour
- prostatic melanoma
- tumours
- urachal anomalies
- testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumours
- retroperitoneale Fibrose allgemein
- Cushing-Syndrom
- Malakoplakie des Harntraktes
- Erektile Dysfunktion
- Angiomyxom
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu genitourinary curriculum:
Läsionen der Nebennieren
in einem Divertikel der Urethra
nach Nierentransplantation
pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia (PPNAD)
recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
Parenchymdefekt der Niere