Acromioclavicular joint (AP view)
The acromioclavicular AP view is a single projection assessing the patency of the acromioclavicular joint.
See also, acromioclavicular joint injuries.
The AP view of the acromioclavicular joint is often requested when the referrer either knows about or highly suspects an acromioclavicular joint injury. This projection is quite specific and will not include the shoulder girdle or the entirety of the clavicle.
Patient position
- patient is erect
- midcoronal plane of the patient is parallel to the image receptor, in other words, the patient's back is against the image receptor
- acromioclavicular joint of the affected side is at the center of the image receptor
- affected arm is in a neutral position by the patient side
Technical factors
- anteroposterior projection
- centering point
- at the acromioclavicular joint
- collimation
- superior to the skin margins
- inferior to the humeral head
- lateral to include the skin margin
- medial to lateral third of the clavicle
- orientation
- landscape
- detector size
- 18 cm x 24 cm
- exposure
- 60-70 kVp
- 10-15 mAs
- 100 cm
- grid
- yes (this can vary departmentally)
Image technical evaluation
- the acromioclavicular joint is central to the image with no overlap
Practical points
It is not uncommon for additional projections to be requested, most commonly a bilateral view. Contrary to popular belief that the divergence beam will obscure the critical anatomy, one must take into account that the 'amount' of divergence for each joint will be equal.
Related Radiopaedia articles
Imaging in practice
- imaging in practice
- general radiography (adult)
- chest radiography
- abdominal radiography
- upper limb radiography
- shoulder girdle radiography
- scapula series
- AP view
- lateral view
- coracoid view
- shoulder series
- AP view
- internal rotation view
- external rotation view
- superoinferior axial view
- inferosuperior axial view
- Westpoint view
- Velpeau view
- modified trauma axial
- supine lateral
- modified supine lateral
- Y lateral view
- AP glenoid view
- apical oblique view (Garth view)
- humerus (neck) AP view
- humerus axial (bicipital groove) view (Fisk view)
- outlet view (Neer view)
- Stryker notch view
- acromioclavicular joint series
- AP view
- arm abducted view
- AP weight bearing view
- Zanca view
- clavicle series
- AP view
- axial view
- oblique view
- sternoclavicular joint series
- scapula series
- arm and forearm radiography
- wrist and hand radiography
- wrist series
- PA view
- lateral view
- horizontal beam lateral view
- oblique view
- carpal tunnel view
- trapezium view
- pisiform view
- PA radial deviation view
- carpal bridge view
- scaphoid series
- hand series
- thumb series
- fingers series
- rheumatology hands series
- bone age series
- wrist series
- shoulder girdle radiography
- lower limb radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- pelvis series
- hip series
- sacroiliac joint series
- thigh and leg radiography
- ankle and foot radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- skull radiography
- PA view
- AP view
- lateral view
- AP axial view (Towne view)
- PA axial view (Caldwell view)
- occipitomental view (Waters view)
- acanthioparietal view (reverse waters view)
- occipitomental 30º view (Titterington view)
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- paranasal sinus and facial bone radiography
- facial bones
- Caldwell view (angled skull PA view)
- nasal bones
- lateral view
- Waters view
- axial view
- zygomatic arches
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- oblique view
- Waters view
- AP axial view
- orbits
- parieto-orbital view
- Waters view
- paranasal sinuses
- lateral view
- PA angled view (Caldwell view)
- parietocanthal view (Waters view)
- transoral parietocanthal view (open mouth Waters view)
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- temporal bones
- axiolateral oblique view
- AP axial view
- Stenvers view
- modified Stenvers view
- temporal bones submentovertex (SMV) view
- dental radiography
- orthopantomography (OPG)
- mandible
- axiolateral view
- AP/PA view
- AP axial view
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- temporomandibular joints
- AP axial view
- axiolateral view
- axiolateral oblique view
- spine radiography
- cervical spine radiography
- thoracic spine radiography
- AP view
- lateral view
- oblique view
- lumbar spine series
- sacrococcygeal radiography
- scoliosis radiography
- PA/AP view
- erect lateral view
- lateral bending view
- general radiography (pediatric)
- radiographic positioning and terminology
- systematic radiographic technical evaluation
- pediatric immobilization
- foreign body ingestion series
- foreign body inhalation series
- chest radiography
- abdominal radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- upper limb radiography
- thumb series
- finger series
- hand series
- wrist series
- elbow series
- scaphoid series
- bone age series
- lower limb radiography
- skull radiography
- spine radiography
- skeletal survey
- CT
- iodinated contrast media
- CT contrast administration
- CT protocol
- composite
- CT polytrauma (technique)
- CT polytrauma (approach)
- CT CAP (chest, abdomen and pelvis)
- CT NCAP (neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis)
- head & neck
- CT head
- CT venogram
- CT stroke protocol
- CTA circle of Willis
- CT perfusion
- CT orbits
- CT sinuses
- CT temporal bones
- CT neck
- CTA carotids
- chest
- CT chest
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- CTA chest
- cardiac CT
- cardiac CT (technique)
- cardiac CT (an approach)
- cardiac CT (standard report)
- abdomen & pelvis
- CT abdomen/pelvis
- CT abdominal aorta
- CT cholangiography
- CT colonography
- CT enteroclysis
- CT enterography
- CT gastrography
- CT KUB (technique)
- CT KUB (an approach)
- CT KUB (standard report)
- CT urogram
- CT urogram (technique)
- CT urogram (an approach)
- CT urogram (standard report)
- CT renal 4-phase/3-phase
- CT renal (lesion characterization)
- CT renal split bolus
- CTA mesenteric vessels
- CT pancreas
- CT liver
- three phase
- four-phase
- skeletal
- CT cervical spine
- CT thoracolumbar spine
- CT whole spine
- CT shoulder
- CT pelvis
- CT hip
- CT knee
- CT ankle
- CT foot
- composite
- cine imaging
- brain
- screen protocol
- stereotaxis protocol
- tumor protocol
- stroke protocol
- infection protocol
- trauma protocol
- demyelination protocol
- epilepsy protocol
- neurodegenerative protocol
- trigeminal neuralgia protocol
- posterior fossa protocol
- temporal bone/CPA protocol
- pineal and tectal plate protocol
- pituitary gland protocol
- CSF flow
- angiographic protocols
- circle of Willis (COW)
- carotid-vertebral system
- head and neck
- orbits protocol
- sinonasal tract protocol
- salivary glands protocol
- oropharynx and oral cavity protocol
- supra-hyoid neck protocol
- infra-hyoid neck protocol
- chest
- abdomen and pelvis
- liver and biliary tree
- anus and rectum
- uterus and ovaries
- urological
- prostate cancer protocol
- bladder cancer protocol
- kidneys protocol
- musculoskeletal
- ultrasound
- obstetric ultrasound
- other
- placenta
- second trimester
- fetal biometry
- fetal morphology assessment
- soft markers
- nuchal fold thickness
- ventriculomegaly
- absent nasal bone
- echogenic intracardiac focus
- choroid plexus cysts
- echogenic bowel
- aberrant right subclavian artery
- amnioreduction
- echogenic fetal bowel
- umbilical artery Doppler assessment
- chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis
- nuchal translucency
- failed early pregnancy
- subchorionic hematoma
- multiple gestations
- ectopic pregnancy
- first trimester and early pregnancy
- gestational sac
- yolk sac
- embryo/fetus
- amnion
- chorion
- Beta-hCG levels
- gynecologic ultrasound
- acute pelvic pain
- chronic pelvic pain
- uterus
- deep endometriosis (transvaginal ultrasound)
- intrauterine device
- tubal occlusion device
- IUD perforation
- endometritis
- endometrial fluid
- endometrial polyp
- endometrial carcinoma
- endometrial hyperplasia
- endometrial thickness
- myometrium
- fibroids
- adenomyosis
- lipoleiomyoma
- leiomyosarcoma
- c-section scar
- Mullerian duct anomalies
- ovaries
- ovarian torsion
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- ovarian cysts and masses
- paraovarian cyst
- polycystic ovaries
- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- post-hysterectomy ovary
- cervix
- fallopian tube
- other
- vascular ultrasound
- carotids
- extremities
- mesenteric vessels
- other
- breast ultrasound
- musculoskeletal ultrasound
- technique/artifacts
- ultrasound of arthropathies
- skin/soft tissue ultrasound
- lipoma
- parasitic infection
- other
- sonographic features of malignant lymph nodes
- sonography of peripheral nerves
- pediatric musculoskeletal ultrasound
- ankle/foot ultrasound
- knee ultrasound
- Baker cyst (popliteal cyst)
- infrapatellar bursitis
- hip ultrasound
- hand ultrasound
- wrist ultrasound
- elbow ultrasound
- shoulder ultrasound
- sonographic evaluation of rotator cuff tears
- liver ultrasound
- liver
- focal
- diffuse
- hepatic vasculature
- other
- hepatic trauma on ultrasound
- liver transplant
- biliary
- choledocholithiasis
- dilated intrahepatic bile ducts
- bile duct wall thickening
- cholangiocarcinoma
- Mirizzi syndrome
- liver
- gallbladder ultrasound
- diffuse gallbladder wall thickening (differential)
- focal gallbladder wall thickening (differential)
- gallstones
- gallbladder sludge
- acute cholecystitis
- chronic cholecystitis
- gallbladder polyp
- gallbladder cholecystoses
- porcelain gallbladder
- gallbladder carcinoma
- gallbladder metastases
- gallbladder lymphoma
- gallbladder volvulus / torsion
- variants
- variants and anomalies
- pancreatic ultrasound
- pancreatitis
- acute
- chronic
- pseudocyst
- pancreatic necrosis
- pancreatic abscess
- pancreatic carcinoma
- pancreatic endocrine tumors / islet cell tumors
- cystic pancreatic neoplasms
- intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)
- pancreatic metastases
- pancreatic lymphoma
- pancreatic trauma
- pancreas transplant
- pancreatitis
- gastrointestinal ultrasound
- renal ultrasound
- hydronephrosis
- renal stone
- focal lesion
- diffuse
- renal vascular
- renal transplant ultrasound
- other
- bladder ultrasound
- testicular and scrotal ultrasound
- other
- epididymis
- paratesticular lesions
- bilateral testicular lesion
- unilateral testicular lesion
- testicular torsion
- orchitis
- testicular rupture
- germ cell tumor of the testis
- testicular seminoma
- non seminomatous germ cell tumors
- mixed germ cell tumor
- yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
- embryonal cell carcinoma
- choriocarcinoma
- testicular teratoma
- testicular epidermoid (teratoma with ectodermal elements only)
- burned out testis tumor
- sex cord / stromal tumors of the testis
- prostate ultrasound
- other lower genitourinary ultrasound
- urachal cyst
- urethra
- penis
- neck and thyroid ultrasound
- echocardiography
- echocardiographic modalities
- transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
- transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
- three dimensional (3D) echocardiography
- epicardial echocardiography
- contrast enhanced echocardiography
- fetal echocardiography
- speckle tracking echocardiography
- physics and imaging modes
- grey-scale (B-mode)
- motion mode (M-mode)
- color flow Doppler (CFD)
- spectral Doppler
- pulsed wave Doppler (PWD)
- continuous wave Doppler (CWD)
- superb microvascular imaging (SMI)
- tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)
- left ventricular systolic and diastolic function
- structure and morphology
- systolic function
- diastolic function
- right ventricular assessment
- right and left atria
- valvular structure and function
- mitral valve
- aortic valve
- pulmonic valve
- tricuspid valve
- hemodynamics
- pericardium
- cardiomyopathies
- congenital heart disease
- great vessels
- thoracic aorta
- main pulmonary artery
- inferior vena cava
- collapsability index
- distensibility index
- superior vena cava
- echocardiographic modalities
- pediatric ultrasound
- ultrasound interventions
- ultrasound-guided biopsy
- fine needle aspiration (FNA)
- core biopsy
- ultrasound-guided renal biopsy
- ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
- ultrasound-guided liver biopsy
- ultrasound-guided biopsy of a peripheral soft tissue mass
- ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage
- ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal interventions
- joint injection
- nerve blocks
- ultrasound-guided intravenous cannulation
- ultrasound-guided biopsy
- contrast-enhanced ultrasound
- obstetric ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
- external beam radiation therapy (EBRT)
- sealed source radiation therapy (brachytherapy)
- unsealed source radiation therapy
- interventional
- procedure overview
- neck
- thyroid gland
- breast
- chest
- hepatobiliary
- splenic interventions
- gastrointestinal
- urogenital
- bladder
- kidney
- prostate
- musculoskeletal
- arthrogram
- MR arthrogram
- CT arthrogram
- anesthetic arthrogram
- bone biopsy (CT-guided)
- arthrogram
- upper limb
- lower limb
- hip
- hip joint injection (technique)
- greater trochanteric bursa injection
- gluteus minimus/ medius tendon calcific tendinopathy barbotage
- iliopsoas tendon bursa injection
- lateral cutaneous femoral nerve of the thigh injection
- piriformis injection
- common hamstrings origin injections
- knee
- common peroneal (fibular) nerve injection
- knee joint injection
- patella tendon microtenotomy
- quadriceps tendon microtenotomy
- tibial nerve injection
- ankle
- achilles hydrodilation & microtenotomy
- ankle joint injection
- extensor tendon sheath injection
- flexor tendon sheath injection
- os trigonum injection
- peroneal tendon sheath injection
- subtalar joint injection
- tibial nerve injection
- foot
- calcaneocuboid joint injection
- metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) injection
- naviculocuneiform joint injection
- plantar fascia microtenotomy
- subtalar joint injection
- talonavicular joint injection
- tarsometatarsal joint (TMTJ) injection
- hip
- spine