Spine radiography
Spine radiography is utilized in both trauma and general imaging. Spine radiography explores the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions. In more specialized departments, full-length spine radiography via projectional, CT, or slit-beam digital radiography is still frequently utilized in the diagnosis and management of scoliosis.
Related Radiopaedia articles
Imaging in practice
- imaging in practice
- general radiography (adult)
- chest radiography
- abdominal radiography
- upper limb radiography
- shoulder girdle radiography
- scapula series
- AP view
- lateral view
- coracoid view
- shoulder series
- AP view
- internal rotation view
- external rotation view
- superoinferior axial view
- inferosuperior axial view
- Westpoint view
- Velpeau view
- modified trauma axial
- supine lateral
- modified supine lateral
- Y lateral view
- AP glenoid view
- apical oblique view (Garth view)
- humerus (neck) AP view
- humerus axial (bicipital groove) view (Fisk view)
- outlet view (Neer view)
- Stryker notch view
- acromioclavicular joint series
- AP view
- arm abducted view
- AP weight bearing view
- Zanca view
- clavicle series
- AP view
- axial view
- oblique view
- sternoclavicular joint series
- scapula series
- arm and forearm radiography
- wrist and hand radiography
- wrist series
- PA view
- lateral view
- horizontal beam lateral view
- oblique view
- carpal tunnel view
- trapezium view
- pisiform view
- PA radial deviation view
- carpal bridge view
- scaphoid series
- hand series
- thumb series
- fingers series
- rheumatology hands series
- bone age series
- wrist series
- shoulder girdle radiography
- lower limb radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- pelvis series
- hip series
- sacroiliac joint series
- thigh and leg radiography
- ankle and foot radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- skull radiography
- PA view
- AP view
- lateral view
- AP axial view (Towne view)
- PA axial view (Caldwell view)
- occipitomental view (Waters view)
- acanthioparietal view (reverse waters view)
- occipitomental 30º view (Titterington view)
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- paranasal sinus and facial bone radiography
- facial bones
- Caldwell view (angled skull PA view)
- nasal bones
- lateral view
- Waters view
- axial view
- zygomatic arches
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- oblique view
- Waters view
- AP axial view
- orbits
- parieto-orbital view
- Waters view
- paranasal sinuses
- lateral view
- PA angled view (Caldwell view)
- parietocanthal view (Waters view)
- transoral parietocanthal view (open mouth Waters view)
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- temporal bones
- axiolateral oblique view
- AP axial view
- Stenvers view
- modified Stenvers view
- temporal bones submentovertex (SMV) view
- dental radiography
- orthopantomography (OPG)
- mandible
- axiolateral view
- AP/PA view
- AP axial view
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- temporomandibular joints
- AP axial view
- axiolateral view
- axiolateral oblique view
- spine radiography
- cervical spine radiography
- thoracic spine radiography
- AP view
- lateral view
- oblique view
- lumbar spine series
- sacrococcygeal radiography
- scoliosis radiography
- PA/AP view
- erect lateral view
- lateral bending view
- general radiography (pediatric)
- radiographic positioning and terminology
- systematic radiographic technical evaluation
- pediatric immobilization
- foreign body ingestion series
- foreign body inhalation series
- chest radiography
- abdominal radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- upper limb radiography
- thumb series
- finger series
- hand series
- wrist series
- elbow series
- scaphoid series
- bone age series
- lower limb radiography
- skull radiography
- spine radiography
- skeletal survey
- CT
- iodinated contrast media
- CT contrast administration
- CT protocol
- composite
- CT polytrauma (technique)
- CT polytrauma (approach)
- CT CAP (chest, abdomen and pelvis)
- CT NCAP (neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis)
- head & neck
- CT head
- CT venogram
- CT stroke protocol
- CTA circle of Willis
- CT perfusion
- CT orbits
- CT sinuses
- CT temporal bones
- CT neck
- CTA carotids
- chest
- CT chest
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- CTA chest
- cardiac CT
- cardiac CT (technique)
- cardiac CT (an approach)
- cardiac CT (standard report)
- abdomen & pelvis
- CT abdomen/pelvis
- CT abdominal aorta
- CT cholangiography
- CT colonography
- CT enteroclysis
- CT enterography
- CT gastrography
- CT KUB (technique)
- CT KUB (an approach)
- CT KUB (standard report)
- CT urogram
- CT urogram (technique)
- CT urogram (an approach)
- CT urogram (standard report)
- CT renal 4-phase/3-phase
- CT renal (lesion characterization)
- CT renal split bolus
- CTA mesenteric vessels
- CT pancreas
- CT liver
- three phase
- four-phase
- skeletal
- CT cervical spine
- CT thoracolumbar spine
- CT whole spine
- CT shoulder
- CT pelvis
- CT hip
- CT knee
- CT ankle
- CT foot
- composite
- cine imaging
- brain
- screen protocol
- stereotaxis protocol
- tumor protocol
- stroke protocol
- infection protocol
- trauma protocol
- demyelination protocol
- epilepsy protocol
- neurodegenerative protocol
- trigeminal neuralgia protocol
- posterior fossa protocol
- temporal bone/CPA protocol
- pineal and tectal plate protocol
- pituitary gland protocol
- CSF flow
- angiographic protocols
- circle of Willis (COW)
- carotid-vertebral system
- head and neck
- orbits protocol
- sinonasal tract protocol
- salivary glands protocol
- oropharynx and oral cavity protocol
- supra-hyoid neck protocol
- infra-hyoid neck protocol
- chest
- abdomen and pelvis
- liver and biliary tree
- anus and rectum
- uterus and ovaries
- urological
- prostate cancer protocol
- bladder cancer protocol
- kidneys protocol
- musculoskeletal
- ultrasound
- obstetric ultrasound
- other
- placenta
- second trimester
- fetal biometry
- fetal morphology assessment
- soft markers
- nuchal fold thickness
- ventriculomegaly
- absent nasal bone
- echogenic intracardiac focus
- choroid plexus cysts
- echogenic bowel
- aberrant right subclavian artery
- amnioreduction
- echogenic fetal bowel
- umbilical artery Doppler assessment
- chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis
- nuchal translucency
- failed early pregnancy
- subchorionic hematoma
- multiple gestations
- ectopic pregnancy
- first trimester and early pregnancy
- gestational sac
- yolk sac
- embryo/fetus
- amnion
- chorion
- Beta-hCG levels
- gynecologic ultrasound
- acute pelvic pain
- chronic pelvic pain
- uterus
- deep endometriosis (transvaginal ultrasound)
- intrauterine device
- tubal occlusion device
- IUD perforation
- endometritis
- endometrial fluid
- endometrial polyp
- endometrial carcinoma
- endometrial hyperplasia
- endometrial thickness
- myometrium
- fibroids
- adenomyosis
- lipoleiomyoma
- leiomyosarcoma
- c-section scar
- Mullerian duct anomalies
- ovaries
- ovarian torsion
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- ovarian cysts and masses
- paraovarian cyst
- polycystic ovaries
- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- post-hysterectomy ovary
- cervix
- fallopian tube
- other
- vascular ultrasound
- carotids
- extremities
- mesenteric vessels
- other
- breast ultrasound
- musculoskeletal ultrasound
- technique/artifacts
- ultrasound of arthropathies
- skin/soft tissue ultrasound
- lipoma
- parasitic infection
- other
- sonographic features of malignant lymph nodes
- sonography of peripheral nerves
- pediatric musculoskeletal ultrasound
- ankle/foot ultrasound
- knee ultrasound
- Baker cyst (popliteal cyst)
- infrapatellar bursitis
- hip ultrasound
- hand ultrasound
- wrist ultrasound
- elbow ultrasound
- shoulder ultrasound
- sonographic evaluation of rotator cuff tears
- liver ultrasound
- liver
- focal
- diffuse
- hepatic vasculature
- other
- hepatic trauma on ultrasound
- liver transplant
- biliary
- choledocholithiasis
- dilated intrahepatic bile ducts
- bile duct wall thickening
- cholangiocarcinoma
- Mirizzi syndrome
- liver
- gallbladder ultrasound
- diffuse gallbladder wall thickening (differential)
- focal gallbladder wall thickening (differential)
- gallstones
- gallbladder sludge
- acute cholecystitis
- chronic cholecystitis
- gallbladder polyp
- gallbladder cholecystoses
- porcelain gallbladder
- gallbladder carcinoma
- gallbladder metastases
- gallbladder lymphoma
- gallbladder volvulus / torsion
- variants
- variants and anomalies
- pancreatic ultrasound
- pancreatitis
- acute
- chronic
- pseudocyst
- pancreatic necrosis
- pancreatic abscess
- pancreatic carcinoma
- pancreatic endocrine tumors / islet cell tumors
- cystic pancreatic neoplasms
- intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)
- pancreatic metastases
- pancreatic lymphoma
- pancreatic trauma
- pancreas transplant
- pancreatitis
- gastrointestinal ultrasound
- renal ultrasound
- hydronephrosis
- renal stone
- focal lesion
- diffuse
- renal vascular
- renal transplant ultrasound
- other
- bladder ultrasound
- testicular and scrotal ultrasound
- other
- epididymis
- paratesticular lesions
- bilateral testicular lesion
- unilateral testicular lesion
- testicular torsion
- orchitis
- testicular rupture
- germ cell tumor of the testis
- testicular seminoma
- non seminomatous germ cell tumors
- mixed germ cell tumor
- yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
- embryonal cell carcinoma
- choriocarcinoma
- testicular teratoma
- testicular epidermoid (teratoma with ectodermal elements only)
- burned out testis tumor
- sex cord / stromal tumors of the testis
- prostate ultrasound
- other lower genitourinary ultrasound
- urachal cyst
- urethra
- penis
- neck and thyroid ultrasound
- echocardiography
- echocardiographic modalities
- transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
- transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
- three dimensional (3D) echocardiography
- epicardial echocardiography
- contrast enhanced echocardiography
- fetal echocardiography
- speckle tracking echocardiography
- physics and imaging modes
- grey-scale (B-mode)
- motion mode (M-mode)
- color flow Doppler (CFD)
- spectral Doppler
- pulsed wave Doppler (PWD)
- continuous wave Doppler (CWD)
- superb microvascular imaging (SMI)
- tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)
- left ventricular systolic and diastolic function
- structure and morphology
- systolic function
- diastolic function
- right ventricular assessment
- right and left atria
- valvular structure and function
- mitral valve
- aortic valve
- pulmonic valve
- tricuspid valve
- hemodynamics
- pericardium
- cardiomyopathies
- congenital heart disease
- great vessels
- thoracic aorta
- main pulmonary artery
- inferior vena cava
- collapsability index
- distensibility index
- superior vena cava
- echocardiographic modalities
- pediatric ultrasound
- ultrasound interventions
- ultrasound-guided biopsy
- fine needle aspiration (FNA)
- core biopsy
- ultrasound-guided renal biopsy
- ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
- ultrasound-guided liver biopsy
- ultrasound-guided biopsy of a peripheral soft tissue mass
- ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage
- ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal interventions
- joint injection
- nerve blocks
- ultrasound-guided intravenous cannulation
- ultrasound-guided biopsy
- contrast-enhanced ultrasound
- obstetric ultrasound
- nuclear medicine
- radiation therapy
- external beam radiation therapy (EBRT)
- sealed source radiation therapy (brachytherapy)
- unsealed source radiation therapy
- interventional
- procedure overview
- neck
- thyroid gland
- breast
- chest
- hepatobiliary
- splenic interventions
- gastrointestinal
- urogenital
- bladder
- kidney
- prostate
- musculoskeletal
- arthrogram
- MR arthrogram
- CT arthrogram
- anesthetic arthrogram
- bone biopsy (CT-guided)
- arthrogram
- upper limb
- lower limb
- hip
- hip joint injection (technique)
- greater trochanteric bursa injection
- gluteus minimus/ medius tendon calcific tendinopathy barbotage
- iliopsoas tendon bursa injection
- lateral cutaneous femoral nerve of the thigh injection
- piriformis injection
- common hamstrings origin injections
- knee
- common peroneal (fibular) nerve injection
- knee joint injection
- patella tendon microtenotomy
- quadriceps tendon microtenotomy
- tibial nerve injection
- ankle
- achilles hydrodilation & microtenotomy
- ankle joint injection
- extensor tendon sheath injection
- flexor tendon sheath injection
- os trigonum injection
- peroneal tendon sheath injection
- subtalar joint injection
- tibial nerve injection
- foot
- calcaneocuboid joint injection
- metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) injection
- naviculocuneiform joint injection
- plantar fascia microtenotomy
- subtalar joint injection
- talonavicular joint injection
- tarsometatarsal joint (TMTJ) injection
- hip
- spine
Radiographic views
- imaging in practice
- paediatric radiography
- general radiography (adult)
- shunt series
- chest radiography
- abdominal radiography
- upper limb radiography
- shoulder girdle radiography
- scapula series
- AP view
- lateral view
- coracoid view
- shoulder series
- AP view
- internal rotation view
- external rotation view
- superoinferior axial view
- inferosuperior axial view
- modified trauma axial
- supine lateral
- modified supine lateral
- Y lateral view
- AP glenoid view (Grashey view)
- apical oblique view (Garth view)
- humerus (neck) AP view
- humerus axial (bicipital groove) view (Fisk view)
- outlet view (Neer view)
- Stryker notch view
- acromioclavicular joint series
- AP view
- arm abducted view
- AP weight bearing view
- Zanca view
- clavicle series
- AP view
- axial view
- oblique view
- sternoclavicular joint series
- scapula series
- arm and forearm radiography
- wrist and hand radiography
- wrist series
- PA view
- lateral view
- horizontal beam lateral view
- oblique view
- carpal tunnel view
- trapezium view
- pisiform view
- PA radial deviation view
- carpal bridge view
- scaphoid series
- hand series
- thumb series
- fingers series
- rheumatology hands series
- bone age series
- wrist series
- shoulder girdle radiography
- lower limb radiography
- pelvic girdle radiography
- thigh and leg radiography
- ankle and foot radiography
- skull radiography
- PA view
- AP view
- lateral view
- AP axial view (Towne view)
- PA axial view (Caldwell view)
- occipitomental view (Waters view)
- acanthioparietal view (reverse waters view)
- occipitomental 30º view (Titterington view)
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- paranasal sinuses and facial bones radiography
- facial bones
- Caldwell view (angled skull PA view)
- nasal bones
- lateral view
- Waters view
- axial view
- zygomatic arches
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- oblique view
- Waters view
- AP axial view
- orbits
- parieto-orbital view
- Waters view
- paranasal sinuses
- lateral view
- PA angled view (Caldwell view)
- parietocanthal view (Waters view)
- transoral parietocanthal view (open mouth Waters view)
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- temporal bones
- axiolateral oblique view
- AP axial view
- Stenvers view
- modified Stenvers view
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- dental radiography
- orthopantomography (OPG)
- mandible
- axiolateral view
- AP/PA view
- AP axial view
- submentovertex (SMV) view
- temporomandibular joints
- AP axial view
- axiolateral view
- axiolateral oblique view
- spine radiography
- cervical spine radiography
- thoracic spine radiography
- AP view
- lateral view
- oblique view
- lumbar spine series
- sacrococcygeal radiography
- scoliosis radiography
- PA/AP view
- erect lateral view
- lateral bending view
